Massage Rates

Looking for an erotic massage to remember? Look no further than Bliss! All services include an intimate nude body to body massage, sensual body sliding on your front and back, and mind-blowing hand relief to finish.

Massage Packages & Add-Ons



* Please note we offer Outcall services to minimum 4 star hotels in the Sydney CBD area only. We do not provide outcalls to private residences or hotels outside of the City radius.

* All prices are excluding travel return fee.

Pricing Information & Extras

All rates provided include room rental and masseuse fees only.

Any additional costs or extras are an agreement made between the client and masseuse. As we appreciate your patronage we generally have a cost cap for extra services of up to $200.00. This includes oral, touching, and full service. This amount can only be charged once by your masseuse, no matter how long your booking is for.

Exclusions to this cap include GFE, PSE, couples, B&D, some fetishes, and some anal services. All extra services and prices are at the discretion of your chosen masseuse.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Eftpos, and Union Pay. Please note there is a 10% administration charge for credit card and Eftpos transactions. If you plan on paying by credit card that requires a signature and not a pin number, proof of identification will be required.

View our adult massage services and find out how you can save on the above rates by becoming a frequent slider!