Interested in the sensual and slippery art of Japanese Nuru Massage?


Interested in the sensual and slippery art of Japanese Nuru Massage? Look no further than Bliss! We get countless enquiries about this unique style of massage and have a gorgeous selection of masseuses who are well adept at it and love to get up close and personal for it.

Although Nuru massage has similarities to erotic massage, there are some differences. Originating in Kawasaki City, Japan, Nuru translates to “slippery”, and it couldn’t be any more fitting! Using a special nori seaweed extract, Nuru gel creates a somewhat ‘lube-like’ consistency that allows the masseuse to slip n’ slide anywhere she pleases over your body!

Similar to body-sliding, in a Nuru massage all parts of the masseuse’s body are firmly used to massage all over the client’s body. It can be firm and compressing for maximum impact and skin to skin contact, or soft and sensual depending on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a unique Nuru experience, we can’t recommend ourselves enough!

Our well-loved Nuru formula includes: nori seaweed extract to create the gel, green tea extract to cleanse and rejuvenate, and aloe vera and liquorice extract to soothe and moisturise the skin.

Nuru Massage Pricing

Choose your Nuru Bliss Babe & Book Now!

Browse through our masseuse profiles to find out more about our ladies that provide Nuru massage.

If you would like to experience the bliss of Nuru with us, give us a call on 02 9360 3366 to find a suitable masseuse or to book the one of your choosing.

Our Erotic Massage Services